Keat and Kyle


Artist. Writer. Overall crazy person.

Keat like Sailor Moon, Studio Ghibli, CLAMP, and long walks on the beach. When she's not writing or drawing, she's usually watching Youtube or shooting bullseyes.

If you ask her what her favorite color is, she'll most likely say NC State.

The Kings Rose

Did you know that Keat writes books?
Yep. Check them out here!


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Author. Educator. Entrepreneur. Web Developer.
In one word: geek.

A fan of many things, including Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Sword Art Online, he likes almost anything blue, and wants to one day put his brain in a computer.

Omega Noir

Did you know that Kyle writes books?
Yep. Check them out here!

Who we are, what we do, blah blah blah

We're Keat and Kyle and we're an American married couple that moved to Japan in 2016. We make videos and blog posts about interesting things in Japan, including ourselves and our two cats. You might know us as Japanoblog!

We're also authors and write books in our spare time.

But why Japan?

Why not? Seriously. We always wanted to go to Japan - so we are. We have a gazillion reasons why we moved away from the USA and into the land of the rising sun, so take a look at our videos to find out why! Or more specifically, see our Top 5 reasons!

We have a Youtube channel that has been viewed 34,561 times with 83 subscribers! We're still fairly new, but check out our 92 videos!

Japanoblog Youtube
ArticlesNot into videos? No problem!
We have a lot of articles for your enjoyment too!