Pet Process (Update/Part 2)
Published on February 16 2016
Segment: tips

Missed Part 1? No worries - view it here!
After waiting 30 days for the cats to get their 2nd rabies shot, we now got their blood work done. What's next? Waiting 180 days and then more blood work.
We are in Step 2.5/3-ish of the whole process, and it was not a cheap one. In order to get the cats' blood work done, it had to be transported to Kansas, at a cost of roughly $200/cat. (Luckily, if we had a dog, it would have to be shipped to Japan.)
The cats did not like the visit. We wish that we got a few photos of their shaved necks, but they wouldn't stay still long enough for us to get one.
We'll post more as we progress through the process.