We're on Patreon

We're on Patreon

Published on January 6 2016
Posted by: Kyle
Segment: Everything Else
We recorded our Patreon video to welcome people to our Patreon page.

What is Patreon? It's a support program for fans to help artists and creators to allow them to create more awesome stuff. (If you're familiar with Kickstarter, Patreon is like a continuous Kickstarter program, so instead of just donating once, Patreon can make automatic donations every month!)

On our Patreon page, we have a few goals (what we want to do) and and rewards (what you can get) set up so far, with more on the way.

The program we have set up so far allows for our supporters to donate $1 or more a month, in which case they will get some awesome goodies.

But...but...does that mean that you'll charge for the videos?

No, silly monkey. All of our videos and posts will still be free on Youtube, on our blog, and on the social media sites. However, supporters will get early access to the videos before they go live as soon as 3 days. How awesome is that?

Additionally, once we get over to Japan, we'll up the Supporter program to have a "Postcard Club", where certain supporters will get a postcard from us on a periodic basis. Get a postcard from Japan? How awesome is that!

Our Patreon is still in its infancy, but with more supporters comes more awesome stuff! Check out our Patreon page at http://patreon.com/Japanoblog and continue being awesome!