Our First Year

Published on December 16 2016
Posted by: Kyle
Segment: Everything Else
Wow, it's already been a year? Time sure flies, huh?

It's hard to imagine that exactly one year ago, Japanoblog was started (or at least, the domain was registered). Although both Keat and I knew that we would be moving to Japan, we didn't expect it to be so soon. When Keat first applied to an overseas company in January, we didn't think that she'd get a response so quickly, or be moving to Japan in March. Then, my schedule had to free up so I could go to Japan too, along with the cats.

Our expectation was that we would do our research and start a "Japan Blog" to inform others about the items and experiences we would want to do or see when we got to Japan, but now that we're actually in Japan, the fun just continues.

Okay, enough with the boring "Thank You" speech. You came here to see some fun stats, because stats in a graphical format are fun. Let's get started:


PostsPosts: 41

Most Visited Post: "There"s a Railway Village in Japan" (155 visits)
VideosVideos: 44

Most Watched Video: "How to make Tamago Gohan (Rice and Egg)" - 1,649 views!

Social Media

Youtube Youtube:
22 subscribers, 2,801 views
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Facebook Facebook:
91 fans
Twitter Twitter: 3 followers
Tweets: 372
Google+ Google+:
1 follower
Snapchat Snapchat:
4 friends
Instagram Instagram:
69 photos, 29 followers

Posting Types

Comic Platfoms

tumblr Tumblr:
(but our account is still new)
Tapastic Tapastic:
1 subscriber, 60 views, 1 like, 0 comments
Webtoons Webtoons:
9 subscribers, 86 views, Average ☆6 rating, 6 likes

Our Love and Support

Patreon Patreon: 0 supporters (Support us and get exclusive content for $1/mth)

That's 2016 in a nutshell. Onto 2017 (and more exciting adventures)!